Have you ever wondered how you can be a good restaurant guest? If not, don’t worry you are not alone. The good news is, being a good guest is simple. Just follow these 7 easy steps.
(1) Go out of your way to be hospitable to the persons who are there to serve you. What do I mean?
(2) Be intentional about making eye contact with the staff as they come up to your table (and as you move throughout the restaurant).
(3) Smile.
(4) Ask your server how they are doing, and listen to their answer (while maintaining eye contact and a smile).
(5) If they are having a bad day, say, “I’m sorry to hear that.”
(6) Smile and make eye contact.
(7) Say, “Thank You!” (While maintaining a Smile and good eye contact).
The most invisible I have ever felt is while waiting tables. My guess is most people are not purposely ignoring their server, but they are simply not thinking about them. What I want you to do is to THINK about your server and think about others. I know the waiter or waitress (or persons working the cash register at a fast food place) are there to serve you, and I know they are getting paid (around $2.50), but they are people, they are mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters, who love, and who want to be loved, just like you do.
These 7 Simple Ways are not only a good practice for being a good guest in a restaurant, but these are also simple ways to be a more likable person in general.