Inspiration & Motivation
I consider myself an occasional blogger, but I would like to write more than I do. Maybe it’s not writing that you want to do more of, but I know there is something in your life that needs a boost. What you and I both need is a little more inspiration and motivation. Welcome to my blog. I hope you find the inspiration and motivation in my post to help you receive what you need to get moving in your own life. And your reading and engaging with my post will give me the inspiration and motivation to keep writing. Thank you for being a part of my journey. May God bless you as you continue you on yours.

When I go out of town, Maria will sometimes send me a picture of our dog Wally, laying in the garage where my car was with the caption, “Waiting for you to come home.” I read an article once that said our pets are so excited to see us when we get home because they assume we were killed while out trying to catch their food.
I do not know if that is what they are thinking or not, but it reminds me a lot of how I feel after losing my dad. From my limited perspective on life, death, and eternity, I have all the reason in the world to expect he will not come home again, but I am still going to wait. That is faith.

When our fight-or-flight button is always switched on, we may feel angry, tense, worried, or irritable. We may also experience headaches or an upset stomach with no medical basis. Over time, recurring activation of the fight-or-flight stress response can result in high blood pressure, clogged arteries, and brain changes that can contribute to anxiety, depression, and addiction. There is also research suggesting persistent stress leads to obesity because it may cause people to eat more, and sleep and exercise less.

Methodist After All
I didn't think that moving would be as tough as it proved to be. I had convinced myself "this" is just what Methodist do. But the reality of moving proved much more difficult than the theory. But alas, it is what we do, and I was extremely excited for New Beginnings, at New Beginnings United Methodist Church.

First, although Lent is an ancient practice it should not be a tiring practice. The same could be said for the institutional church and our Sunday morning worship services. All of these things are opportunities to grow; they are intentional times designed and designated to strengthen our relationship with God. Yet, many of the practices the ancient church set aside for growing deeper, we have allowed to become a tiring practice. Many in the church, lay and clergy, have opted out of the disciplined work of becoming more like Jesus and have decided instead to give up chocolate.

These 7 Simple Ways are not only a good practice for being a good guest in a restaurant, but these are also simple ways to be a more likable person in general.

It is during this time of year I begin to hear, “what do you want for Christmas?”
For years my answer has been pretty much the same, but I have never explained why. So, here it goes, all I want for Christmas is for people to give to something bigger than themselves, and has the greatest chance to make an eternal difference. A gift makes an eternal difference when either the giving or receiving of the gift makes an impact that transforms the lives of people beyond the initial recipient.

Our culture values tolerance. The problem we continually run into is how we define the word. To “Tolerate” something is often understood to mean, that I will agree with you as long as you agree with what “I” already believe to be true. This is true of secular society as well as within the church. FYI: We define fairness similarly, “that which works out best for me.” Both of these definitions miss the mark.

I have a confession to make, I struggle with inviting people to church. Maybe you do too. Considering, “Only 2% of church members invite an unchurched person to church, and 98% of churchgoers never extend an invitation in a given year” (Dr. Thom Rainer, The Unchurched Next Door), it is safe to say inviting people to church must be difficult for the majority of us. But, why is it so difficult?

Have you ever thought about making a difference? Or maybe you have big dreams of transforming the world. Perhaps you are a follower of Jesus, and you feel that God is calling you to do big things with your life. If I could give you just one word of advice, “Don’t!”