It is during this time of year I begin to hear, “what do you want for Christmas?”

For years my answer has been pretty much the same, but I have never explained why. So, here it goes, all I want for Christmas is for people to give to something bigger than themselves, and has the greatest chance to make an eternal difference. A gift makes an eternal difference when either the giving or receiving of the gift makes an impact that transforms the lives of people beyond the initial recipient.

You have heard it said, “It is better to give than receive.” While I don’t disagree with this popular saying, I do believe a person can give in a way that transforms both their life and the lives of those they will never encounter. Generosity creates a domino effect and can pass from person to person, and from generation to generation. It is contagious! You may never know just how much your generosity has touched someone's life. A small act done with great love can make all the difference in the world.


I sometimes wonder if we will meet people in the Kingdom of God whose lives we touched, and they might say, “We have never met before, but I know (we will have perfected knowledge), you helped build a well that brought water to my hometown,” or “that time in high school, when you talked to me in the hall, and everyone else was ignoring me…that made a difference.”

I also hope we will get the chance to say, “Thank you” to the people who made our lives (especially our eternal lives) possible. Perhaps, in the new heaven, and the new earth, who did what will not matter, but, I think gratitude will somehow be important.

Being a generous and joyful giver is not always easy; we must cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude, which is another way of saying we have to practice acts of gratitude before it takes root in our lives. One of the habits of gratitude that has helped me the most is the habit of generosity. Here is where I would like to challenge our cultural practice of gift-giving just a little, ok, maybe a lot!

If we are honest, the majority of the gifts we give and receive this year will have little significance beyond, 

“Oh, it’s a_____________…Thank you so much!” 

Disclaimer: I am beginning to realize that my attitude during the Christmas Season looks more like one of the Pharisees than a disciple of Jesus Christ. I am therefore having to work on the most basic function of an attitude of gratitude, and that is, the act of being thankful. I am beginning to realize that no matter how “holy” or “pure” my ideology maybe, I am not going to change the culture by being ungrateful and ungracious. I also want to make it clear that I am not trying to set myself up as the ideal role model for “doing Christmas right.” Mainly, because I am a selfish person. And even when I look like I am trying to do something good for others, believe me, I’m not suffering because of it, and often times I am hardly even inconvenienced. Therefore, I have some work to do.  

What if, instead of spending the $25, $50, $100, etc., on a gift that is here today and gone tomorrow, we put that money into something bigger than ourselves? What if the gifts we give have eternal value? What if instead of wondering what we are going to buy for someone who has everything, we instead give to someone who has a need, or to a cause that cures an illness (i.e. They are struggling to pay their bills, can’t afford groceries, can’t purchase gifts for their children, Sjogren’s Syndrome FoundationThe American Cancer Society, Click here to see a list of amazing places where you can donate)?

So, what do I want for Christmas? I want to make a difference. I want the gifts people buy for me to make a difference. And I want to be able to buy gifts for others that will make a difference. I want people to get the real reason we celebrate Christmas isn’t about presents at all but is actually about the presence of Immanuel, God with us! 

The greatest present of all time is Jesus’ presence with humanity. His love for us, enabled us to love Him, and it is our love for one another that shows that we love Him; it is all about presence.

What does this look like in real life?

A few years ago a family in the church where I am pastor purchased in my honor a gift basket via Here is the description of their gift given in my honor:


Sheep provide valuable wool and are a vital source of income in impoverished communities. Wool can provide warmth in chilly temperatures and can be sold at market for additional income. Your gift of a new beginnings basket will ensure families have the proper training and resources to ensure hope and prosperity.

Heifer families pass on the gifts they receive, so your gift today starts a cycle that helps transform countless lives around the world.”

Isn’t that the greatest thing you have ever heard!

This is a gift that is bigger than me, and bigger than the givers. 

This is a gift with eternal value. I love it!


