For One

According to statistics I have obtained on every town where I have pastored has shared one commonality; the percentage of people who do not attend church is around 80%. When I share this statistic with my congregations they always …

According to statistics I have obtained on every town where I have pastored has shared one commonality; the percentage of people who do not attend church is around 80%. When I share this statistic with my congregations they always react with disbelief.

They say, "It can't possibly be that high of a percentage."

I always respond by saying, "Let us assume the data is extremely skewed. What if instead of 80%, the actual percentage is 40%? Would 40% be worth making changes in your life, or how you "do church" if that meant 40% of people in our community might have a better chance of knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior and plug into a church community? And let's say that 40% is still way off, maybe the percentage is closer to 10% or 5% or even 1%; would just 1% be worth our time, and our energy?

In Luke 15, Jesus attracts a crowd of "tax collectors and sinners" who want to hear him speak, but there is also a gathering of legal experts who are grumbling because Jesus welcomes sinners and get this, he eats with them too. Can you believe Jesus is eating with sinners?!?

So Jesus tells a string of parables that all share the same ethic, and that is the value of ONE. And not just 1%, but merely ONE sheep, ONE coin, or ONE lost child. Jesus sums up each parable with similar words as we read in verse seven:

In the same way, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who changes both heart and life than over ninety-nine righteous people who have no need to change their hearts and lives.
— Luke 15:7 CEB

I do not know why we insist on minimizing the number of people who feel far from God, and who have been alienated by the church. But over the last couple of months, I have realized how much we minimize anything that we have never experienced or do not understand. One of the many hot button issues of late is whether we should wear a mask or not.

For some this has been an issue of freedom. I am not a legal or a constitutional scholar, but I have also questioned whether a Governor or even a President can mandate wearing masks. I mean they obviously can, because they have, but whether it holds up in court, that I do not know.

But I don't think that should be the focus for you if you are a follower of Jesus Christ. In Galatians 5 and 1 Corinthians 6:12, Paul addresses freedom this way:

You were called to freedom, brothers, and sisters; only don’t let this freedom be an opportunity to indulge your selfish impulses, but serve each other through love.
— Galatians 5:13 CEB
12 I have the freedom to do anything, but not everything is helpful. I have the freedom to do anything, but I won’t be controlled by anything.
— 1 Corinthians 6:12 CEB

The point isn't whether you have the freedom to do what you want to do. Our focus as followers of Jesus Christ is on how we can leverage our freedom for the sake of others.

True freedom is not doing what you want to do, true freedom is choosing to do what is right.

The second common objection is related to the science of wearing a mask. In the early days of the virus, we were told not to wear a mask largely due to the fear that healthcare workers might not have all that they need. Since that time the overwhelming opinion of medical professionals and scientists has been that wearing a mask does more good than harm. But the good it does is not just for your benefit, it is also for the benefit of others.

So let's go back to where we began and talk statistics. I have heard people say wearing masks can reduce virus transmission by 90%, 75%, 50%. I did a quick google search but did not find any of those statistics in the top couple of results. The statistic that I do see on the website and have also heard from various news outlets is that "80 percent of the population wearing masks would do more to reduce COVID-19 spread than a strict lockdown."

Yet, again the statistics are not quite the point.

As followers of Jesus Christ we believe in the value of ONE.

Even if all that statistics about wearing masks miss the mark by a considerable margin, what percentage makes it worthwhile for you?

If you could help or save just 40% would you wear a mask?

How about 10%? 5%? Or 1%?

Would a mere 1% be worth our time, and our energy?

If we can help or save just ONE person by doing something simple like wearing a mask we should wear a mask.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we utilize our freedom to benefit others.

I believe a person's freedom ends where someone else's freedom begins. This is why we have a ban on smoking in public places. It also makes sense to me that if we want to get back to going and doing as we please, the evidence to wear a mask far exceeds any arguments against wearing a mask.

But for followers of Jesus Christ, none of those reasons are our “why.” Our why, or reason to wear a mask is related to our freedom, and our value of ONE.

The freedom we have isn’t given by and cannot be taken away by governments, nor "death or life, not angels, not present things or future things, not powers or height or depth, or any other thing that is created" (Romans 8:38-39); our freedom comes from God.

I will use my freedom to save ONE because I believe ONE is worth it. And because the life that may be saved is yours I want you to wear a mask because I believe you are worth it.

So, let's wear a mask, people. :)

Here is a great video that explains how wearing mask helps prevent spreading it


