In the 2003 film “How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days,” Andie, played by Kate Hudson, is an up and coming writer working for a women’s magazine. Andie has great aspirations to write about issues that will change lives and transform the world. Yet, her boss Lana, played by Bebe Neuwirth, is not convinced of Andie’s talents, or ability as a writer, at least that is how it is presented in the beginning of the movie. If she would only write a “hit” article then she would be given free range to write whatever she wants. At the movie’s climax, Andie has lost the guy in 10 days, and the article is a clear success.
The following is a conversation which takes place between the heart torn Andie and her boss Lana:
Lana: Congratulations. This shows me you’re ready to be unleashed. From now on, feel free to write about anything.
Andie: Anything?
Lana: Wherever the wind blows you.
Andie: Even politics?
Lana: Well, the wind’s not going to blow you there.
Andie: What about religion, poverty, economics?
Lana: This wind is really more of a light breeze
I identify a lot with Andie’s character. I have been said to be an “up and coming” preacher and what I want most is to speak to issues that will change lives and transform the world. I am not alone in my pursuits. I have spoke with others who share a similar ethos. Moreover, there are people who have succeeded at the very things I speak about and attempt from day to day. I have in fact myself had my share of small successes. Yet, like Andie, I continue to encounter people who tell me “The wind is not going to blow you there.”
The following is an abridged version of an on going conversation I have with church people:
Church Person: Pastor, the skies the limit and we will do anything to reach the unchurched and unchristian in our community. Oh, and young people, We love young people, tell us how we can get more of those, we will do anything.
Pastor: Anything?
Church Person: Wherever the wind blows you reverend
Pastor: Great! So we will speed up the music?
Church Person: Well, the wind’s not going to blow you there.
Pastor: What about one of those empty rooms, we will convert it into a internet cafe, hangout for teens and college age people
Church Person: This wind is really more of a light breeze, you see there are certain things we just don’t do in the church, and we have already tried everything else.
I am so grateful for the mentors in my life. I would not be who I am if they would not have been willing to share themselves with me. At the same time they also allowed me space to discover who I could be.
Paul was a mentor to a young man named Timothy. I imagine this relationship was all that kept both men going on some days. In Paul and Timothy’s day, the Mentor, Mentee, relationship brought with it far more difficulties than deciding which coffee shop to meet in. I love that we get to ease drop into their conversation here in 2 Timothy 4. Through the echoes of Paul’s words we discover young Timothy needed his spirits lifted.
So Paul reminds him to continually place his hope in God, and not to waver in his teaching others about God’s salvation. I gather from verse 12 that young Timothy had been told more than once by some of the older men and women in his community, “The wind’s not going to blow you there.”
Like I said, I am thankful for the mentors in my life!
I am always looking for people I can turn to for guidance. In doing so, I try to find people who have tried and failed, but who were willing to try again. I look for people who are hopeful, yet, not just blowing smoke.
I tell those who daringly call me their mentor, there is nothing they cannot do except what they are unwilling to try. I also tell them to surround themselves with positive people. One of my life rules is this: “If a person has never said a positive thing to you, do not listen to the negative things they have to say about you.”
When I moved to my first appointment, I wanted so badly to find a mentor. Sadly, after the first pastors meeting, I went home and told my wife, “if I ever get that bitter, make me retire.” I was so disappointed. I thought to myself, what an opportunity it would be to mentor someone and speak hope into their life. Yet, all I learned that day and subsequent days was what could not be done.
Thankfully, experiences like that have been the exception rather than the rule in my life. I started to wonder, has everyone had it so good? I have discovered the answer is “No.” Many of the pastors I spoken with have never had a mentor. Their entire ministry they have been “Lone Rangers,” or have fallen into “unhealthy” systems that simply devour them.
As I began writing this week I noticed a “bitter” tone to my writing and suddenly Paul’s words from verse 13 came alive and The Apostle Paul became my mentor. Perhaps these words will be helpful to you as well:
“William, don’t be bitter, and cynical, I can tell you are letting negativity consume you, and that is not the example of Jesus. No matter your age, don’t forget who has gifted you and whom you serve. Remember your speech, behavior, love, and your faith must all be examples to those who believe. Don’t forget when the elders gathered around you at Trinity Church in 2001, when Bishop Watson Commissioned you in 2009 and in 2011 when you were told to ‘take thou authority and preach the Word.’
Practice these things, and live by them so that your progress will be visible to all. Focus on working on your own development and on what you teach. If you do this, you will save yourself and those who hear you.”
May we seek and find Godly mentors who encourage us to go wherever the wind may blow us!